Sep 3, 2021 | Investing Goals, Retirement, Weekly Financial Thought
Blog “Most Americans are Unprepared for Retirement” Perhaps this type of headline gets old, but the unfortunate reality is that it’s true! Based on research recently completed by the CFP Board, roughly 26% of Americans delay retirement savings until their...
Aug 27, 2021 | Retirement, Uncategorized, Weekly Financial Thought
Blog Managing the Initial Years of Retirement The conventional view of retirement is changing. Certainly, the age at which we retire, what we do during retirement years, and even how long retirement generally lasts look different than assumptions we made 15 years...
Aug 20, 2021 | Estate Planning, Housing, Retirement, Uncategorized, Weekly Financial Thought
Blog “Putting your House in a Trust” Trusts aren’t just for the uber-wealthy. Anyone with financial or physical assets may consider setting one up to make life a little bit easier for those you leave behind when you die. When you establish a trust,...
Aug 13, 2021 | Investing, Investing Goals, Weekly Financial Thought
Blog “Changing the way You Feel About Money” Writer Ben Carlson over at A Wealth of Common Sense, recently published an article discussing how we feel about money and I thought it did a wonderful job explaining that our feelings towards money are usually...
Jul 8, 2021 | Uncategorized, Weekly Financial Thought
Blog “Is $1 Million still worth $1 Million?” There is a lot of talk recently about inflation and what effect it will have on our purchasing power in the coming years. I think it’s an important topic and one worth considering, but if we zoom out, what effect does...
Jul 1, 2021 | Retirement, Weekly Financial Thought
Blog “7 Important Ages for Retirement Planning” The amount of decisions and timeframes that arrive at your doorstep as you head into retirement can be overwhelming. It’s hard to keep track of what age you become eligible for Medicare vs. when you can...