Feb 10, 2023 | Behavioral Finance, Financial Planning, Housing, Uncategorized
Blog “Do I Need Umbrella Insurance?” Umbrella insurance is an important risk management tool, particularly for people who have wealth, income, or future income potential. Additionally, it’s cheap relative to most other types of insurance! I’m always amazed at...
Jan 6, 2022 | Behavioral Finance, Investing Goals
“It’s time to set our sights on 2022 and the year ahead! What is a financial goal you are looking to accomplish in 2022?”
Dec 3, 2021 | Behavioral Finance, Investing, Issues that effect todays Market, Retirement, Weekly Financial Thought
“Recent market jitters can cause many people to feel like the answer is to change something about their investments. We recommend re-focusing on the long-term and remaining invested along the way. What are some long-term goals you are working towards?”
Oct 29, 2021 | Behavioral Finance, Investing, Issues that effect todays Market
Blog “Inflation vs. Stock Market Returns” Inflation has certainly been making news headlines over the past months as experts and economists weigh in on whether it is transitory or whether it is here to stay for some time. While all of the experts take...
Oct 14, 2021 | Behavioral Finance, Investing, Issues that effect todays Market, Weekly Financial Thought
Blog “Debt Ceilings and the Growing National Debt” There have been many articles and hours of news television spent on covering the debt ceiling and growing national debt in America. This recent article and show by Peter Lazaroff does a great job...
Mar 25, 2021 | Behavioral Finance, Coronavirus, Investing
Blog “Rob Lovelace on the Year Ahead” Rob Lovelace, an equity portfolio manager with the Capital Group was recently interviewed about his 2021 outlook. This week, we dive into some of the questions he was asked and what he sees on the horizon for equity...