Jul 31, 2020 | Behavioral Finance, Retirement
Blog “The Importance of a Health Savings Account” If the last few months are any indication, we can see that healthcare needs and associated expenses are truly an unknown quantity. Healthcare costs can be a major stumbling block for both the young and elderly...
Jul 17, 2020 | Behavioral Finance
Blog “4 Money Lessons They Should Teach in High School” Growing up in America we are taught many valuable things in high school, but an area that has historically been ignored is personal finance. While Chemistry is almost always on the curriculum (I haven’t...
Jul 16, 2020 | Behavioral Finance, Investing
Blog “Stock Markets and Presidential Elections” While our post this week might not directly assist you in your quest towards financial independence, but it’s also fun to see how finances can play into so many aspects of our world. If 2020 hasn’t already been...
Jun 12, 2020 | Behavioral Finance, Investing, Retirement
Blog “FOMO with the Stock Market” “Fear of Missing Out” (AKA FOMO), has become very apparent as individuals try to make sense of the meteoric rise in the stock market over the past 60 days. We dive into why the stock market has been going up in a recent post...
Jun 5, 2020 | Behavioral Finance
Blog “Paying with Cash vs. Affording Payments” America has an all-consuming culture. Earning an income of $32,400 in the United States puts you in the top 1% of global earners, however, to earn in the top 1% in the United States you would need to pull in over...
May 29, 2020 | Behavioral Finance, Investing
Blog “Robo Advisor vs. Financial Advisor” There has been a lot of debate, especially over the last 10 years, about the “value” that a real-life financial advisor brings to a client. During this time, the massive growth of rob-advisors such as Betterment, Ally,...