What to Expect from Healthcare in Retirement

“What to Expect from Healthcare in Retirement”Many people decide if they are on track for retirement based on how much they expect to spend each year once they retire.  For some people, this will work.  However, for the majority of Americans who will face some...

Millionaire Status…What Does it Mean in 2019?

“Millionaire Status…What Does it Mean in 2019?”Let’s be very clear, one million dollars is a LOT of money.  Whether it is 1980, 2000, or 2019 the $1 Million mark in net worth has been the hallmark of whether or not you have “arrived” in life.  But, what...

Consistency is Attractive

“Consistency is Attractive”In the age of social media, it’s so easy to get caught up in what the latest trends are and then jump around to ensure your life is oriented towards those trends.  Older generations can claim that it is a “millennial” issue but keeping...

Roth IRA or Traditional IRA…Which is Best?

“Roth IRA or Traditional IRA…Which is Best?”The two main types of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s) that you can invest in are a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA.  The main difference between the two accounts is how and when your money is taxed.  With a...

Your Future Deserves the Best of Your Present Self

“Your Future Deserves the Best of your Present Self”Your future (and the future of your loved ones around you) deserves the absolute best of your “present self”.  This video clip (click on the title of the blog post above!), while nothing to do with finances, is...